Identify new customers and keep the most valuable ones!
Significantly improve the performance of attracting the right customers and access the information you need to win them.
Successful selling starts with:
analysis of the market potential you want to sell to, identifying the best prospects, analyzing information about companies, understanding of their challenges.
Analyze market potential
We carry out on request updated market studies with the latest information for you to understand what is the market potential, its size and the addressability you can have at a given time.
Segment and identify your best prospects
We help you target the best prospects, using various criteria or models that have been proven to be successful.
Analyze company data
We give you access to the data of more than one million active companies in Romania, with their updated data, of which more than 800.000 have published their annual financial data.
Find out how companies evolved
Through the reports we offer you, you will understand what are the challenges of the analyzed companies, so that you can address their needs as best as possible.
Maintain successful relationships with existing clients by
constant customer monitoring, systematic cleaning of customer data from own systems, constant analysis of client portfolio, up-to-date reports on the industry in which they operate.
Monitor your list of clients
You receive email alerts for any changes to your clients’ data.
Keep customer data up to date in your own system
We update your customer data for you, so you're using the latest information.
Periodically analyze the customer portfolio
We give you an overview of your customer portfolio and you can do the analytics you need to optimize both your customer management and your sales efforts.
Analysis of the sector trend
You receive data that gives you a picture of trends in the sectors in which your customers operate, so that you can more easily know their needs.
Be above the competition
monitor the competition and be efficient and put data to work for you
Monitor the competition
We send you alerts every time your competitors make changes, so you know what they're doing and how to consistently position yourself in an increasingly dynamic market.
Put data to work for you
We offer you access to the data about Romanian companies that we collect and manage with care and offer it to you to be used in the applications you already use (eg: CRM, ERP).